The populated part of Farahaan is located in the north of SoltanAbaad and has many villages that all of them are occupied by weaving for centuries. Their handmade rugs accede Europe and beyond the oceans through SoltanAbaad and they considered so valuable because of the beauty of designs that is taken from simple designs. Farahaan rugs have thick cotton warps and two or sometimes one weft cross between knots which is not that pulled: this property cause the texture to be smooth and limp and to bend easily. Weft is white or eventuate dark cobalt-blue.
Asymmetric knots are mostly used that is open from left side while there are samples been woven with symmetric knots rarely. Knot density is abundant: on average fluctuate between 2000 to 3500 knots in each square decimeter and even it might be achieve to 7000 knots. The wool used in texture is soft and delicate but opaque it cut off too short.
The lint available in samples mostly looks old and depreciated that is because of using cooper sulfate to create the green color. The used design is so delicate and arises by repetition of Iranian traditional designs in background. The pattern that is mostly used is the Herati fish that in its prevalent model occupies a space in the center of rug and has dark background and this design has been used in corners in different size or color. Beside the Herati fish pattern and shapes that weavers of Farahan use we can point bush, minakhni, gol farang, and also bergamot pattern.
Read our other blog posts on Farahan Rugs: