
History of Heriz Serapi Rugs

As one of the nation’s leading providers of Persian, Oriental, and Turkish Rugs, we’re  always looking for ways to help our customers make the right choice for their home  decor. One of those possibilities includes the little-known variant called Heriz Serapi  Rugs. Today, we’re going to look at the history of Heriz Serapi Rugs and what sets  them apart from other rug stylings.  

What are Heriz Serapi rugs

With the broader category of Persian Rugs, there is a subset called “Heriz Rugs.”  These types of rugs get their name from the region where they’re made. In Northwest  Iran, there is a mid-size town named Heris, East Azerbaijan. With a modern population  of right around 10,000 residents, Heris is the capital of its county and the believed  historical origins of the Heriz-style of Persian Rugs. 

So what is a Serapi rug? Near Heris is another town: Serab where a rug-weaving  community also emerged. Adopting stylings from the weavers in nearby Heris, a unique  style emerged: Heriz Serapi rugs.  

Primarily, when a consumer searches for Heriz Serapi Rugs, they’re looking for an older  rug to decorate their home. In addition, they’re interested in bringing a unique style that  will complement their existing decor. 

What makes them different than other types of rugs? 

Earlier, we mentioned that Heriz Rugs fall within the broader Persian Rugs category. So  what makes them different than other types of rugs and deserving of their own  category? 

It starts with the styling. Heriz Serapi Rugs include large, geometric medallions. Since  they borrow from other nearby rug stylings, such as the Caucasian rug, you’ll  frequently see this type of influence in the designs and patterns. 

In terms of colors, Heriz Serapi rugs include a wide range of options. The most  common color is red, though others are frequently included in the rug’s design such as  pink, green, and yellow. If the rug weaver is interested in adding contrast, they’ll  sometimes incorporate blue and ivory which helps them stand apart from other  categories of rugs. 

Specifically, Heriz Serapi rugs are more “modern” than other Persian Rug stylings,  thought to have gained popularity around the 16th century.  

You are what you…drink? 

The standout difference with Heriz Serapi rugs is the type of wool used in their  construction. The mountains and hills of Northwest Iran have stronger iron deposits.  When the sheep drink this, their bodies metabolize it. This, in turn, creates a stronger  type of wool than ones from other regions.  

Carrying all styles of rugs for your home

Finding the right kind of Heriz Serapi rug for your home can take time. You want to find  one that will match your space while also ensuring that you’re investing in a quality  product. As this can sometimes feel overwhelming, rather than tackle it alone why not  work with an expert in Heriz Serapi Rugs? 

That’s where we come in! Our sales staff will help you find the right rug for your  home. Contact us to let us know what you’re looking for or give us a call at  980-422-4080. We look forward to helping you find the perfect Heriz Serapi rug for  your home!