Oushak Rugs

What is an Oushak Turkish rug?

An Oushak Turkish Rug, sometimes referred to as a Turkish Carpet, will often feature  unique designs and motifs reflective of the weaver’s mindset at the time of  construction. In addition, there are several common materials a weaver will use,  regardless of the design. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “What is an  Oushak Turkish Rug?” and look at those design commonalities in closer detail. 

What is an Oushak Turkish Rug

First, what is an Oushak Turkish Rug? It’s a style named after Uşak, a city in Western  Turkey. This region was an epicenter of sorts for Turkish Rugs. In addition, historically  speaking “Anatolia” was the crossroads of civilization for much of antiquity. Of course,  Anatolia is now known as modern-day Turkey, though the Oushak name stuck in honor  of its heritage. 

What characteristics are common among Oushak Turkish Rugs? Read on… 

First, faith 

Faith is important to Turkish culture. Islam is the most common religion in the region.  As a part of their religious practices, Muslims will often use prayer rugs. These are an  especially prominent component of Turkish worship. Therefore, the design of an  Oushak Turkish Rug will often incorporate imagery reflective of the religious beliefs of  the region. 

Next, materials 

Turkish Rugs were first woven by nomadic people groups. Their rugs often used wool,  though silk was another popular option at the time. Today, both materials continue to  be used in the production of modern-day Oushak Turkish Rugs regardless of the  patterns or colors. 

Speaking of which, let’s move on to patterns and colors 

Many Oushak Turkish Rugs use deep reds and tribal weavings. Others will incorporate  geometric shapes with open designs to further create visual contrast. And others still  will use mid-tones or lighter colors, especially in rooms with softer tones.  

In addition, prayer rugs will sometimes lean on the lighter side, both in terms of  patterns and colors. 

Special note: Oushak Turkish Rugs & medallions 

Do you like medallions? If so, then you may want to consider an Oushak Turkish Rug.  Medallions are a popular design choice by weavers, and they will frequently  incorporate multiple medallion shapes throughout the rug’s design.  

We think this particular style would work great in a formal dining room, especially one  with heavier wood tables and chairs. 

Use in your home

In fact, we’ve mentioned a few use cases so far. The simple truth is that Oushak Turkish Rugs can easily incorporate themselves into almost any space. Of special note  is a Turkish Rug with sharp contrasts: these can help a space stand out when you walk  into the room. 

Oushak Turkish Rugs could also be utilized in an office, especially one with a creative  focus. Why exactly? Sometimes, the weaver will utilize a “tree of life” pattern, evocative  of new beginnings and open minds. 

Rug Source is your hub for the most popular Turkish Rug designs We look forward to helping you decide which Turkish Rug design will work best in your  home. We carry an unrivaled section for you to choose from. Let us know what you’re  looking for and we’ll see how we can help! You can give us a call at 980-422-4080 or  browse our massive online selection via our catalog here.